Dr. William Bennett delivers his annual "$2 bill" message to the DCG Class of 2023

Answers Along the Way: Life as a Go-Giver

Dr. William Bennett practiced pharmacy for several years with the Indian Health Service in Alaska, Arizona, Montana and Wyoming before earning both medical and dental degrees at the Medical College of Georgia (now Augusta University). He practices orthodontics at Foundations Orthodontics in Rome, Georgia, and delivers an annual lecture to incoming DCG students based on his well-rounded career. His take home messages include:

>Be a go-giver
“My favorite book is ‘The Go-Giver’ (penguin Books, 2010), which explains that the secret to success is giving. I urge students to approach their careers with the mindset that what they give in life holds the key to what they will get out of it.”

>Embrace simplicity
“When I left for college, my mother gave me a $2 bill. She said, ‘If you never spend this, you’ll never be broke.’ When I visit incoming DCG freshmen each summer, I give each of them a $2 bill and share the same lesson. If you live within your means and appreciate the truly valuable things in life, you’ll always be rich in the things that really matter.”

>Have a heart for service
“Jesus is called the great physician because he served people and tended to their needs. I counsel students to follow His lead. I think private practice affords the best opportunity to become financially secure and pay off student debt as soon as possible. And the sooner you’re financially secure, the sooner you can begin giving back. We were put on this earth to help others.”

>Family first
“Never forget the people who helped you achieve your dreams. Your parents likely practiced delayed gratification to make your education possible. Live a life of gratitude, and pass your blessings along to the next generation. I spend a lot of time volunteering, serving the community and participating in organized dentistry. But nothing is more important than family. My wife, Mary, and I have two children, and in all honesty, the vast majority of my time outside the office is spent playing dress-up and changing diapers!”

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