MCG Medicine Spring | Summer 2022
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Glycerin for Psoriasis
Patients with psoriasis have reported that glycerin, an inexpensive, harmless, slightly sweet liquid high on the list of ingredients in many skin lotions, is effective at combatting their psoriasis and now scientists...
February 1, 2022
Silencing Cancer’s Siren Call
Aggressive, deadly tumors like glioblastoma and metastatic breast cancer have in common a siren call that beckons the bone marrow to send along whatever they need to survive and thrive. Blocking production of the...
May 15, 2018
Every Great Neighborhood Starts With Great Neighbors
Part of what MCG researchers wish they could implement in their studies is cloning individuals like Dr. Timothy Graves, ’83. Graves was graduating from MCG about the time Kutlar was doing a three-year research...
June 19, 2017