Faculty Bites

Dr. Babak Baban, associate professor of oral biology, served as a jurist on an international panel to judge the Best Young Investigators competition at the recent European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalized Medicine World Congress in Bonn, Germany. He and Dr. Mahmood Mozaffari, professor of oral biology and oral rehabilitation, also chaired a session on dentistry at the gathering. Baban discussed medical cannabinoids and Mozaffari discussed the role of IDO, an enzyme critical to immune function, in gingivitis.

Dr. Brian Bergeron, associate professor of endodontics, has been elected to a three-year term on the American Board of Endodontics’ Board of Directors. He serves on a nine-member panel that creates test material, examines candidates and regulates board certification for the endodontics specialty.

Dr. Eladio DeLeon, chairman of the Department of Orthodontics, discussed world orthodontic board certification at the recent World Federation of Orthodontics in London. The discussion, which he co-presented with two of the American Board of Orthodontics’ executive directors in his role as president of the board, was part of the Eighth International Orthodontic Congress. The federation’s 6,000 attendees came from 90 countries.

Dr. Barry Hammond, associate professor of general dentistry, has been appointed to a four-year term on the American Dental Association’s Commission on Continuing Education Provider Recognition.

Dr. Jose Morales, a third-year orthodontics resident, recently received the Best Paper Award from the Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology journal. The paper will be published in the January edition of the journal.

Dr. Darshanjit Pannu, assistant professor of oral rehabilitation, recently discussed full-mouth rehabilitation and dentistry in North America at two dental colleges affiliated with Manipal University in India. The lectures coincided with his 25th dental class reunion in Mangalore, India.

Dr. Cristiano Susin, associate professor of periodontics, has been invited to write a review paper about periodontal manifestations of systemic disease. The paper will inform the new Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions during the 2017 World Workshop in Periodontics, sponsored by the American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology.

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