Drumroll, please: U.S. News and World Report published its 2017 Best Jobs Ranking report recently, and the number-one profession is. . .
But that’s no surprise to you, right? Dentistry consistently attracts people with immense aptitude and huge hearts. Nowhere will those people find a more welcoming profession than dentistry. The report ranks professions on seven measures, including median salary, employment rate, future job prospects, work-life balance and stress level.
Virtually any of our alumni or faculty can attest to the unique alignment of stars enabling them to give high marks in all these areas. Dentistry meets the need of altruistic people to help others. It meets the need of sharp, creative minds to combine art and science. It meets the need of well-rounded people to have flexibility and autonomy in their careers.
I could go on and on, but of course, I’m singing to the choir. You already know all these things, but it’s nice to have quantifiable verification that dentists are among the most fulfilled professionals on the planet. To drill down even further (excuse the dental pun), DCG alumni are among the most fulfilled dentists on the planet.
Not only do they receive a second-to-none education, they begin their careers with much less debt than the average dentist, thanks to tuition rates that are among the lowest in the nation. I couldn’t be more thrilled to oversee an institution that launches so many dreams and helps so many people.
I hope you’ll spend a few minutes reading more about our dental community — DCG students, faculty, staff and alumni — in this edition of the magazine. Their individual accomplishments are outstanding, and their collective impact on the communities they serve is incalculable. Enjoy getting to know them!
Dr. Carol A. Lefebvre
Dean, The Dental College of Georgia