Celebrating the Team

EDUCATING FUTURE DENTISTS and caring for thousands of dental patients each year at the DCG requires the orchestrated teamwork of hundreds of employees. Time is set aside quarterly to celebrate and thank them for their hard work and dedication. At the Ice Cream Social in August, staff, residents and faculty were treated to ice cream sundaes, an award-winning barbershop quartet singing tunes from the 1950s, and a shag dance demonstration. The Fall Frolic in October featured hotdogs on the grill, a costume contest, chili cook-off, and cornhole tournament. The staff appreciation events are coordinated and hosted by the Human Resources Development Committee.

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For nearly 200 years, Augusta University and its legacy institutions have been centers of learning and drivers of discovery and innovation in Augusta, the state of Georgia and beyond. Our community of alumni, students, faculty and friends are amazing people living incredible lives and making invaluable contributions to our world.

We are pleased to publish four magazines in which we get to tell their stories: