Woman named Annette Rainge smiling

Answers Along the Way: Keep Focused on Your Goal

Dr. Louvenia Annete Rainge (’90) practices in Augusta and earned DCG’s 2016 Distinguished Alumnus Award based on years of service, volunteerism and support, including establishing an endowed scholarship fund for DCG students.

>Be Your Best Self

I would encourage individuals to be diligent and persevere to obtain their goals. Patience is a virtue; be patient and sincere in what you seek. Also, it is extremely important to be a person of integrity. It is one of the best qualities to possess. I recommend surrounding yourself with positive people who offer encouragement and positive energy to achieve your goals.

>Manage Your Time Wisely

One of the best ways to get through any challenge, including dental school, is to have good time-management skills. Sometimes, coursework or life in general may seem overwhelming, but if you manage your time, you will be able to accomplish so much more.

>Stay Focused

Overall, you should always do your best in whatever it is that you choose to do and strive to be happy. Happiness is the key to success. Remember, you always have a choice, and the choices you make will always influence the type of person you become. There are many paths to take, and sometimes you may have to take a detour, but make sure you keep focused on your main goal.

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