Class Notes: Alumni named Best of Columbia County

From left, Dr. Alan Myers (BS ’06; DMD ’10) and Dr. Eliza Myers (DMD, ’09)

The readers of Columbia County Magazine chose DCG alumni as Best Dentist and Best Orthodontist in their Best of Columbia County issue. First place in the Best Dentist category went to Myers Family Dental, owned and operated by Dr. Alan Myers (B.S., ’06; DMD, ’10) and Dr. Eliza Myers (’09). Second place in Best Dentist went to Belair Dental Associates, which includes Dr. Carmen Vaughn (’93) and Dr. Kristen Green (’18). Third place in Best Dentist went to Jordan Family Dentistry, which includes Dr. Melissa Jordan (’11) and Dr. Taylor Brinson (’21).

From left, Dr. Melissa Jordan (DMD ’11) and Dr. Taylor Brinson (residency program ’21)

First place in the Best Orthodontist category went to Trotter Orthodontics, owned and operated by Dr. T. Barrett Trotter (’73) and including Dr. Paul Trotter (’10; orthodontics residency, ’13). Second place for Best Orthodontist went to Carter Orthodontics, owned and operated by Dr. David Carter (’88; orthodontics residency, ’91). Third place went to Powell Orthodontics, owned and operated by Dr. R. Steven Powell (B.S., ’77; DMD, 81; orthodontics residency, ’88). Powell is also a part-time assistant professor in the DCG Department of Orthodontics.

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For nearly 200 years, Augusta University and its legacy institutions have been centers of learning and drivers of discovery and innovation in Augusta, the state of Georgia and beyond. Our community of alumni, students, faculty and friends are amazing people living incredible lives and making invaluable contributions to our world.

We are pleased to publish four magazines in which we get to tell their stories: