Eric Anderson, a third-year student, has been named the 2016 District 4 Delegate of the Year by the American Student Dental Association. Anderson is president of the DCG chapter of the association.
Dr. Roger Arce, assistant professor of periodontics, received a $50,000 American Academy of Periodontology Teaching Fellowship to advance his career in academia. Fellowships are awarded to qualified faculty members within their first three years of teaching at a U.S. dental school. See page 20 for more information about Arce’s career.
Dr. Leon Aronson, adjunct professor of orthodontics, has received the Merit Award from the Orthodontic Education and Research Foundation of St. Louis University’s Center for Advanced Dental Education. He is a 1967 graduate of the St. Louis University Department of Orthodontics.
Dr. Babak Baban, associate professor of oral biology, was recently selected Featured Podium Presenter during the Janssen Immunology Symposium in La Jolla, California. He also co-chaired the Microbiology/Immunology Basic Science I Study Section Committee of the American Heart Association.
Dr. Philip Baker, associate professor of oral rehabilitation, has been elected a fellow of the International College of Dentists.
Tamika Brown, a first-year dental student, is completing a David E. Rogers Fellowship at the New York Academy of Medicine this summer researching the influence of loan repayment programs on career choices in community health.
Dr. Katharine Ciarrocca, assistant professor of oral rehabilitation, has been named to the editorial board of the Special Care in Dentistry journal.
Dr. Eladio DeLeon, chairman of the Department of Orthodontics, has been named chairman of the American Board of Orthodontics.
Dr. Scott De Rossi, chairman of the Department of Oral Health and Diagnostic Sciences, has been selected by the American Dental Association to help review a congressional investigation into the implications of untreated dental disease before and concurrent with complex medical and surgical procedures.
Dr. Ahmed El-Awady, a DCG periodontology resident, has received the American Academy of Periodontology’s 2015 Balint Orban Memorial Award. The award honors those who exemplify its namesake’s example of advancing the scientific foundations of contemporary periodontics. The academy’s foundation also awarded El-Awady a $25,000 AAP Educator Scholarship.
Darrell Gentry, associate dean of business and finance, was among 16 Augusta University faculty recognized during the university’s Black History Month Faculty Recognition Celebration. The event was sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Dr. Carole Hanes, associate dean for students, admissions and alumni, received the General Dental Association Award of Merit, the association’s highest honor. Hanes has served on numerous committees of the association. She has been secretary of the Eastern District Dental Society for 14 years. She has obtained over $4 million in Health Resources and Services Administration funding enabling senior dental students to serve needy citizens throughout the state.
Dr. Van Haywood, professor of oral rehabilitation, has been recognized as a “Leader in Dental CE” for the 15th consecutive year by Dentistry Today magazine.
Dr. Stephen Hsu, associate professor of oral health and diagnostic sciences, discussed the oral-health benefits of green tea polyphenols as guest speaker of the University of Texas School of Dentistry’s Department of Diagnostic and Biomedical Sciences’ recent seminar series.
Dr. Daniel Levy, director of the Craniofacial Clinic, has been certified by the American Board of Orthodontics.
Dr. Kurt Metzler, assistant professor of oral rehabilitation, received the 2015 Pierre Fauchard Academy Excellence in Dental Education Award. The academy is an international honorary dental organization dedicated to recognizing and growing leaders in the dental profession, founded in 1936 by Dr. Elmer S. Best, a Minnesota dentist. The academy is named for the father of modern dentistry, French dentist Pierre Fauchard (1678-1761).
Dr. Jan Mitchell, associate professor of oral rehabilitation, has received The Dental College of Georgia’s 2015 Teaching Excellence Award.
Dr. Jose Morales, assistant professor of orthodontics, has received the 2016 Hamilton B.G. Robinson Award. The award honors Robinson (1910-92), a former president of the International Association for Dental Research and former editor of the Journal of Dental Research.
DCG Director of Admissions Stephanie Perry has been appointed to the American Dental Education Association’s Associated American Dental Schools Application Service Task Force. The task force is composed of senior admissions officers and students selected by the association from among the country’s dental schools. Perry will serve a three-year term.
Dr. Mario Romero, assistant professor of oral rehabilitation, has received The Dental College of Georgia’s 2016 Outstanding Faculty Award. Romero has been published in more than 50 national and international peer-reviewed journals and has lectured extensively on restorative dentistry.
Dr. Linda Selem, resident in the Department of Endodontics, has received the inaugural Connie L. Drisko Resident Award for Professionalism. The award honors the former and recently deceased dean of The Dental College of Georgia.