Photo by Phil Jones

3 Qs: Joseph Vitolo

If you notice an extra surge of activity in the DCG Building these days, a single-word explanation should suffice: accreditation. The DCG is preparing for a Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) site visit in March, and extensive preparation has been underway for months to ensure a glowing report. Associate Dean Joseph Vitolo, who is spearheading the process, shares a  peek behind the scenes.

1.What is the accreditation timeline, and how is DCG preparing?

The Commission on Dental Accreditation site visit is scheduled for March 2019. We spent the past few months writing responses to the CODA self-study document for both the DMD program and advanced education programs. DCG will conduct a mock site visit this summer using external examiners. The purpose is to help prepare for the actual site visit in March 2019.

2. What is the importance of the process?

Accreditation is a necessary process of self-evaluation to ensure compliance with CODA accreditation standards. This is the American Dental Association’s way of making sure that graduates of a given dental school will possess the necessary knowledge and skills to competently treat patients.

3. How has DCG historically fared  in accreditation reviews, and how do you anticipate the school faring in this process?

Historically, the dental school has done well with the CODA accreditation process, and we are confident we will continue to do so.

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