People making holiday stockings

AU Days of Service

Hundreds of DCG volunteers came together to tackle dozens of Augusta-area service projects during Augusta University’s 2020 Days of Service event, held virtually this year.

The annual event creates “a broad and lasting positive impact for our friends and neighbors across the community,” according to the AU Department of Volunteer Services & Community Engagement.

“The DCG family always has tremendous representation in this event, which is a testament to the generosity of spirit that our community exemplifies,” says Dean Carol A. Lefebvre. DCG initiatives included:

Doggie bags

DCG volunteers donated 150 bags of supplies for pets adopted or fostered through the
SPCA Albrecht Center for Animal Welfare.

Hope House coats

The Coats with Notes Project donated 56 coats, including inspirational notes, for Hope House Augusta, serving women and their families with substance use and mental health challenges.

Animal services

The Pawesome General Dentistry team donated 65 items to Augusta Animal Services.

Comfort House supplies

Third-year dental students donated a six-month supply of toiletries and other hygiene items to this nonprofit home away from home for patients and caregivers from outside the area as they obtain health care services in Augusta.

Christmas stockings

The Department of Pediatric Dentistry Molar Bears team made Christmas stockings for Children’s Hospital of Georgia patients and filled them with treats and toiletries.

Children’s gifts

The DCG Academic Administration Molar Bears team purchased 48 items, including books, computerized learning toys and movies for Children’s Hospital of Georgia patients.

Treats for veterans

Dentists 4 Della, a student group, donated bags with snacks and comfort items to the residents of the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home.

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For nearly 200 years, Augusta University and its legacy institutions have been centers of learning and drivers of discovery and innovation in Augusta, the state of Georgia and beyond. Our community of alumni, students, faculty and friends are amazing people living incredible lives and making invaluable contributions to our world.

We are pleased to publish four magazines in which we get to tell their stories: