The Right Credentials

Georgia CORP is one of only a few programs in the United States that provides former obstetricians a path for re-entry into the profession. “Delivering babies is hard, and delivering babies is time-consuming… It’s a...

Ultimate Detective

Dr. Patrick Godbey Pathologist/1979 MCG Graduate President College of American Pathologists Dr. Patrick Godbey likens his work to being the ultimate detective – his time in the lab spent searching for clues about what...

Stepping Up and Stepping In

Dr. Jacqueline W. Fincher Internist/1985 MCG Graduate President-Elect American College of Physicians   Dr. Jacqueline W. Fincher, a 1985 MCG graduate, is preparing to take the helm of the world’s largest physician...

Brain Matters

Dr. Xin-Yun Lu Chair Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine She was a curious child, a voracious reader, the third of six children born to Fengying Zhang and Shunchun Lu in the Shandong Province, in eastern China on the...

Essential Pressure

Dr. David L. Mattson Chair Physiology He had just come back from his lab and Dr. David L. Mattson was excited. Mattson and his former postdoc, Dr. Justine M. Abais-Battad, who came with him to MCG this summer from the...

An Instinct for Making Things Work

Dr. Brian Annex Chair Medicine A very young Brian Annex liked figuring out how things work, why they didn’t and was drawn to the opportunities to do both in science and math. He would grow up in one of Brooklyn’s...

For nearly 200 years, Augusta University and its legacy institutions have been centers of learning and drivers of discovery and innovation in Augusta, the state of Georgia and beyond. Our community of alumni, students, faculty and friends are amazing people living incredible lives and making invaluable contributions to our world.

We are pleased to publish four magazines in which we get to tell their stories: