Dear MCG Family, We have all found ourselves living in unprecedented and uncertain times over the last two years, watching as COVID-19 wreaked havoc in this country and across the world, closing some health care...
$17.4 Million in New Funding For 3+ Primary Care Pathway Program
The Medical College of Georgia Foundation is providing $8.7 million to match a new state appropriation for a program aimed at increasing the number of primary care physicians for rural and underserved Georgia.
Lifelong Learner
Today, she’s the director of a National Institutes of Health office, but there was a time when Robin Boineau, ’90, wasn’t sure she’d even get into medical school.
Age, Alzheimer’s Related Brain Decline Linked To Little-Studied Enzyme
A little-studied enzyme has been found in high levels in healthy neurons, levels that scientists say decline with age and more dramatically with Alzheimer’s, making adjusting the enzyme’s level a potential treatment for...
Too Much Stimulation
Our neurons and the glial cells that support them start showing up at about three weeks of gestation. The new neurons start producing chemicals and laying down fiber cabling so they can communicate with each other and...
New MD/PhD Program Director
Dr. David Stepp, federally funded vascular biologist and a 21-year faculty member in the MCG Vascular Biology Center, is the new director of the University System of Georgia’s MD/PhD program. Dr. Larry Layman, chief of...