News at a Glance

Dental College of Georgia Associate Dean Carole Hanes has received a three-year, $1.5 million grant to address the oral health needs of underserved Georgians. The grant, funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration, enables The Dental College of Georgia (DCG) to partner with dental public health and private dental clinics and the state’s Area Health Education Centers to treat underserved Georgians in a network of statewide clinics. The goals are to increase the number of primary-care sites offering rotations to DCG students, increase the use of teledentistry to help DCG faculty treat underserved patients statewide, use podcast programming to disseminate oral health information to the public and enhance treatment of special-needs patients at the Children’s Hospital of Atlanta and Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home.

Eight members of the DCG community, including a faculty member and seven alumni, have been named honorable fellows of the Georgia Dental Association. Honorable fellowship, the association’s highest designation, denotes distinguished service to the association, integrity and community involvement. Honorees are nominated by their districts and approved by the association. The faculty member honored is Dr. Rhoda Sword, assistant professor of oral rehabilitation. Sword is editor of the association’s Eastern District Newsletter, an association delegate and president-elect of The Dental College of Georgia Alumni Association. DCG alumni named honorable fellows are Drs. David Bradberry, Brenda Fritz, Brad Hall, Chris Hasty, Gregory Morris, Julie Ann Ruthier and Craig Taylor.

Several Dental College of Georgia faculty members have collaborated to create an app designed to ease calculations in dentistry. The smarTooth app was developed by Drs. Daniel Levy and Kristen Hall in the Department of Orthodontics, assisted by Dr. Amara Abreu and Jimmy Londono in the Department of Oral Rehabilitation and Timothy White and Aaron Burkhart in Instructional Design and Development. The interactive app automates space analysis in mixed and permanent dentition, Bolton analysis and tooth proportion calculations. Data results can be added to patient records as a PDF file. The app is available in iTunes’ App Store.

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