helping hurricane irma victims
Photo by Phil Jones

From the Wire: A. Spring 2018

Helping Through Irma

As the City of Augusta welcomed Florida evacuees affected by Hurricane Irma, the Augusta University community jumped in to help without hesitation. About 400 students, faculty and staff signed up through the Office of Volunteer Services to serve those in need.



Center Celebrates Simulation Week

Major natural disasters. Mass casualty events. Multiple victims.

These are high-stress situations for any health care professionalsituations that have been difficult to prepare for.



3-D Printing Assists Understanding

A collaboration between the Medical College of Georgia and College of Education is enhancing the understanding and treatment of brain maladies.



Sutherland Named CSM Dean

Dr. John Sutherland, interim dean of the College of Science and Mathematics at Augusta University, has been named dean.

Sutherland joined Augusta University in 2015 as the college’s associate dean for research and graduate studies, after serving 14 years at East Carolina University as professor and chair of the Department of Physics. He succeeds Dr. Rickey Hicks, who passed away in January 2017.



Dip Becomes Mr. 300

Now in his 14th season as head coach of the Augusta University men’s basketball team, Dip Metress got his 300th career win with the Jaguars on Tuesday, Dec. 19, in an 86-72 victory over North Georgia in Christenberry Fieldhouse.



Hands-on Makes the Difference

Working in the same spot day after day, it’s easy to forget just how complex Augusta University’s various campuses really are. We tend to measure our successes based on the number of lives we impact, but in so doing, we sometimes lose sight of just how many buildings, how many spaces we need to make those things happen.


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For nearly 200 years, Augusta University and its legacy institutions have been centers of learning and drivers of discovery and innovation in Augusta, the state of Georgia and beyond. Our community of alumni, students, faculty and friends are amazing people living incredible lives and making invaluable contributions to our world.

We are pleased to publish four magazines in which we get to tell their stories: