Winston had a really bad day yesterday. He's determined to have a better one today.

Appropriate Use: Planning for the Downside
As the internet continues to grow and evolve, Augusta University researchers say the importance of understanding its implications grows, too.
Research: Capturing Motion, Releasing Hope
The problem they were addressing is a common one for Parkinson’s patients, who are often sent home to continue self-guided physical therapy regimens without knowledgeable caregivers able to evaluate their performance...
Thirty in Three
When you’re interviewing to be a university dean, especially a computer and cyber sciences dean at a place 'Fortune' has identified as one of the contenders to be the world’s cybersecurity capital, everyone expects you...
On the Range: Creating the Playing Field
One of the most distinctive elements of the Georgia Cyber Center — the cyber range — also happens to be one of the most misunderstood.
View From the Cloud: Crazy Like a Fox
“For the people up north, they thought one of two things: Either I’m crazy, or there’s really something wonderful going on down here,” says Dr. Alex Schwarzmann, dean of the School of Computer and Cyber Sciences. “Now...